OLAS – OverBoard Location Alert System – Mobile GPS man overboard App & Crew Tag
About OLAS:
The OLAS system uses Alert and Find technology to search for crew members and navigate to the GPS location where we have missed our crew members.
OLAS Tags is a tiny Bluetooth Low Energy based device which transmits signals. Our Phone/tablet will receive the signals and get paired with the tag. The tag can connect to your wrist, life jacket or any other item you want to track. When the connection is broken for longer than 8 seconds your mobile device will alert and direct back to the GPS location of the last coordinates of the tag. OLAS will
• Emit an audible alarm and light signal.
• Record the time and GPS location where the incident occurred.
• Clearly, illustrate the direction and course to return to the alert GPS location.
OLAS System is not only used for finding the crew members and their location point. It also acts as a navigation tool, where we will be entering the known location coordinates. OLAS will provide the distance, bearing value between the current coordinates and coordinates which we have entered. OLAS system also provides the emergency call services in case of any difficult situation during location Alert.
You can check the videos for more understanding:
OLAS: Navigation tools in Current Data
OLAS: How a phone could save your life!
OLAS: Alert Screens
OLAS: iTunes
Cumulations Role Behind OLAS Success
OLAS is a product which is an amalgamation of beacon and location technologies. Cumulations expertise in both these areas contributed largely to successfully build and launch the product in the market. A lot of customizations were required in the beacon technology to successfully meet the use cases. Cumulations worked closely with hardware manufacturers to customize the communication packets as per our requirement. Since the app itself is helping people in life or death situation, the MoB alert system had to work accurately. Achieving accuracy in MoB alert system required deep location expertise.
Before launching the product, a client had a 3-month beta testing phase. During beta testing, a lot of feedback was provided by client and end customers who used the devices. These were both functionality and usability feedbacks. It was time critical as resolving these would mean winning large deals for our client. Cumulations was successful in executing the same. We were also able to translate complete app to French in a matter of few days which helped the client in achieving few business goals.
For Mobile App Development services, Please feel free to reach us at cumulations or sales@cumulations.com