Latitude and Longitude representations
As most of us know latitude and longitude help us notate a place uniquely on earth.
There are basically three ways in which one can represent Latitude and Longitude.
1. In Degrees
The way Google, Yahoo, and Facebook API’s Use.
Ex: +40.7486, -77.8786
2. Degree Minutes and Seconds.
Ex: 40` 44′ 55”N,
3. Degree Minutes.
Ex: 40`44′,
In the First Degrees notation + indicates it as North (for Latitude) or East ( for Longitude).
and – indicates that it is either at South (for Latitude) or west (for Longitude)
Let’s take a quick look at conversion from Format 1 to Format 2 and vice-versa.
From Format 1 to Format 2
1. Let’s convert this 40.7486 to Degree-Minutes- Seconds Format
40.7486 degree => 40 Degree +0.7486 Degree.
As we know that 1 Degree = 60 Minutes it becomes
=> 40 Degree+0.7486*60 Minutes
=> 40 Degree+ 44.916 Minutes (Resembles our Format 3)
As we also know that 1 Minute = 60 Seconds it becomes
=> 40 Degree+44 Minutes+0.916 *60 Seconds
=> 40 Degree+44 Minute+ 54.96Sceonds
From Format 2 to Format1
40`44’55” => 40 Degree +44 Minutes+55 Seconds.
As we know that 1 Minute = 60 Seconds it becomes
=> 40 Degree+44 Minutes+55/60 Minutes
=> 40 Degree+ 44.916Minutes (Resembles our Format 3)
As we also know that 1 Minute = 60 Degree
=> 40 Degree+44.916/60 => 40 Degree+0.7486 Degree
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