Building a chat app can be fun by using Flutter. It is a new app builder which is an open source platform developed by Google itself. So if you use this framework then there is a high chance that you will be able to create a modern chat application. You just have to make sure that you go in the right direction and follow all the steps carefully if you want to build a chat app by using Flutter along with Firebase. Here we are going to talk about the step-by-step process of building a chat app by Flutter and if you take the example of any Flutter Mobile app development company in India then they are following the same process.
Creating the Flutter App
It is the ideation process where you will have to plan your app in such a way that it can be appropriate according to the interface of Flutter. After you are done with the planning, you may go to the next step where you have to get into the actual technical things while building a chat app by using Flutter.
Connect it with the Firebase Services
The Firebase is the back-end service in Flutter which is used to create cloud storage, database, remote configuration, authentication and hosting of all the static files. If you ask any developer from any Flutter app development company then that person will say that it is the support system of Flutter.
Building the Basic UI
Now you have to build a basic user interface for the chat app you are going to create. In this step, you have to be careful about the different static pages you are going to launch so that the whole process can be brought in streamline and you can find the right codes for each static page.
Build a Login Page
Any chat app will need a login page and that is why it is the first step done by any mobile app development company in Bangalore. You have to follow a few steps while building the basic login page for your chat application.
- At first, you have to create a chat user model where you will put the information of all the users and create the code for the database. Once you are done with the database, you will understand how many people are going to register in the app approximately so that your database can hold the information of all the users at once.
- Once you will be done with the creation of the database, you have to put the authentication class as AuthProvider where you have to put some codes which will authenticate whether the user is verified or not. It is quite necessary to avoid spam in your app so that you can build a clean app by using Flutter.
- Then you need a splash page the users will be asked to verify themselves by some captcha. It is necessary to avoid the automatic robot and you will be able to create a foolproof application without any robots registering on the chat app.
- Now you have to create the sign-in function where the user will click on the sign-in button and that person will get registered in the chat app. This is the last step to creating the login page and if you can do it successfully then you will be able to create a good quality database where all the users will be verified in the first place.
Creating the Homepage
After the user will log in, he/she will get to see the homepage and this is the place where you have to showcase your creativity so that everyone loves the interface. In this process, you just have to make sure that you follow two steps carefully and you will be done with the homepage creation.
- You need to create the HomeProvider class where it will be defined as the homepage in a Flutter. If you follow the working process of any Flutter app development company in India then you will get to know that they focus on the right code and also the right content.
- After creating the interface, you have to put the content on the homepage and choose the words carefully so that it can represent the app you are going to make. So if you are going to build a chat app then the content has to be according to that.
Creating the Profile Page
In any chat application, you will get to see the profile of the people you are chatting with. These pages are called profile pages where you have to put the information of the person along with the photograph to denote that it is the personal chat room for that person.
- At first, you have to create the class ProfileProvider in Flutter so that it can be redirected to the profile page. In this step, you have to denote a particular page as the profile page before getting into the detailed information of that person.
- In this step, you have to put all the information about the user so that it can load the data from the database and create a profile page for that particular person in the chat application.
Creating the Chat Message Page
In any chat application, this is the final thing you need to do where the actual chat message page will appear. In this case, you have to create a separate chat message model class so that it will be treated as the chat room for a particular person and also the security is maintained of all the data.
- If you take the example of any Flutter app development company then you will see that they put the ChatProvider class to denote the particular page as the chat message page and then put all the necessary information on that page to make it look nice.
So these are the process by which any mobile app development company in Bangalore builds a chat app in Flutter with Firebase. So if you are going to build your chat application by using Flutter then you have to follow these steps carefully and move ahead with your design.